What do I need to know about states?

In Tracmor, states are a basic element of the addresses you create for shipping and receiving assets and inventory items, but states are also embedded within the definition of the Area where assets are located (and the Location), as follows:


Because all US states and Canadian provinces are available from built-in dropdown menus, if all your addresses and areas are in the US or Canada, no need to read this article!

If, however, you need to add an address not in the US or Canada, this article will take you through the process of adding one or more states, step-by-step:

Finding the menu options

Note: if the side menu is not visible, click on the square to the left of Global Search at the top of the screen. This icon shows and hides the side menu.


From the side menu, click on Admin (circled in red), then click on States (indicated by the red arrow).


From here all options are available: State SearchState List, and icons in the upper right corner that allow you to add, import, export, and delete states, as described below.

Note: If you don't need to do a search, you can close search options by clicking on the symbol shown by the red arrow.


Creating one new state

To create one new state, start by clicking on Admin>States (from the side menu) and then clicking on the (blue) plus icon.


All fields in the Create State dialogue box are required, so you will be adding a [State Equivalent] Name and State Abbreviation, and selecting a country from the dropdown menu.

For example: If you wanted to add a contact located in San Juan, Puerto Rico, you would want to think about it as follows:

  • San Juan is a city and also the "municipality" that is the equivalent of a state in Puerto Rico, so San Juan will be both the city and the "state"
  • San Juan does not have an official abbreviation, but adding "SJ" will get you to the next step, since this is a required field
  • Puerto Rico is not a country or a state but it is listed as a country, so choose Puerto Rico from the dropdown list


Click on Save and the new state will be shown at the top of the State List.

Importing a list of states

To import a list of states, start by clicking on Admin>States (from the side menu) and then clicking on the (green) down arrow icon.


Having clicked on the down arrow icon, you will arrive at a dialog box from which you can download a standard file to import states: click on the (tan) download icon.

Note: Clicking on the (blue) icon to the right of the standard file icon displays a list of files previously imported.


Open the downloaded file, preferably in MS Excel. Note that the column headings match the fields in the Create State dialogue box.

Every field is required: List one state name [or equivalent geographic region], the state abbreviation (letters only, no numbers or symbols) and the country for each new state. Do not skip any rows. 

Note: You may want to use the search function before importing states (see above) to determine how countries are referred to in Tracmor to avoid import errors. For instance, England is not listed, but United Kingdom is.


Save the file with a descriptive name. Click on Choose File to navigate to the saved file, and once you have chosen the file and it is listed in place of [No file chosen], click on Upload File.


Once the file is uploaded, you will receive a status report via the Imported File List. If any states were not successfully imported, the number will be indicated under the column heading “Skipped.

Note: Clicking Undo removes the imported values. This option is only available for the most recent import.


To determine the error, download the file by clicking on the link in the skipped column. In the example above, clicking on the number "1" in red downloads a file with the error message. 

Deleting states

You can delete states as follows:

  • One state at a time while editing (see below)
  • Mass delete states by selecting states from the list view (click on the check box to the left of each state) and then clicking on the (red) trash icon 
  • Mass delete states by filtering the list using the search function; this is a quick way of creating a list of items you may want to delete. Once you have created the list — in this instance by filtering for the United Kingdom, as shown by the red arrow on the right — you can select items by clicking the check box next to each item.

Note: As shown below by the red arrow on the left, clicking on the box at the top of the column selects all items in the list.


Once your selections have been made, click on the (red) "trash" icon. You will be asked to confirm the delete request. Once you confirm, the item will be deleted and no longer appear in the list.


Exporting a list of states

If you need a record of all states, you can export a list by clicking on the export icon in the upper right hand corner. The list downloads as an MS Excel spreadsheet and includes all states, state abbreviations, and countries.

Note: The spreadsheet is password protected and cannot be edited without the password that Tracmor sent to users with admin permissions.


Editing state information

To edit the information in fields for a state already created, navigate to Admin>States (from the side menu). Click on the state name in list view for these options: Edit, Delete, or Cancel.  

Click on Edit for these options:


Click on Save of upload your changes.  

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